Man: “Hey, how’s it going? Happy New Year!”
Woman: “Hey…and back to you…just getting my coffee before heading back to work.”
Man: “Where do you work?”
Woman: “In the building behind the State house. I hate my job! But it’s all about job security for me. Gosh, I hate it there! [roll of eyes and scowl] Whatever…”
Man: “That’s cool. See Ya!”
Woman: “Yeah, see ya later.”
Wow. The whole way back to my home office I was thinking about what it means to tolerate something, to accept having no choice in the matter. Tolerating a bad job. Tolerating a bad relationship. Tolerating a destructive culture of an organization. Tolerating waste. Tolerating mean people. Tolerating gossip. Tolerating bad customer service. Tolerating broken promises. It costs us a lot to tolerate things.
It’s one thing to find something intolerable. It’s entirely a different thing to do something about it. Imagine, what is possible if we name what we cannot tolerate and actually risk making a different choice?